Hey, Jeff Sherman here with Fitness Marketer. Today I want to teach you why you should make your Boot Camp Business a M.E.S.
I have been personal training since I was 18 years old. Even back then I always thought about how long I could actually train. I knew that I couldn’t train clients for ever, especially if I wanted to have a family. I mean working from 5:30am and not getting home till 8:30-9pm just wouldn’t work.
I knew at some point I would have to start my own fitness business. I did that a little over 15 years ago now. It didn’t really go exactly as I had imagined and I learned a lot of lessons along the way. I am now at a point in my business where it runs pretty much all by itself and it is providing me the income and the freedom that I want.
I want to share a few of those lessons that I have learned and hopefully you can relate to some of them and they can help you out.
Lesson #1: There is a difference between owning a job and a real business
I quickly found out that having a LLC and a cool logo doesn’t necessarily mean you own a business. My workload doubled pretty much instantly and I was scrambling to get everything done. I was training 6-8 hours a day, cleaning the gym, doing all the payment processing, and so on.
I looked around at other businesses and realized that I knew a lot of the manager’s but hardly any of the owners. The owner’s didn’t work in their business, they only worked on them. I knew then, that the only way to not own a job and a business was to essentially fire myself from all the day to day tasks and get to working more on building my business not just running it.
Lesson #2: Getting really good at marketing isn’t the most important thing in your business.
I used to think that marketing was the most important thing in your business. I studied and learned pretty much everything out there and got really good at it. I flooded my boot camps with new leads and almost lost my business because of it.
Without a solid business foundation in place you are not set up or equipped to grow your business. It might look like a good thing at first until your business starts to fall apart. It’s like painting an old fence, it might look good at first but it’s only a matter of time before it falls apart.
The more people I had coming in, the more phone calls I had to make, the more paperwork I had to do, the more credit cards I had to run, and eventually I just ran out of the physical and mental bandwidth it took to keep my business running properly.
It became harder and harder to deliver the same service and the same results that had made my business so popular in the first place. I started losing members and my business started to fall apart.
That’s when I realized I needed to rebuild my entire business model from the ground up and make it solid. What I needed to do was create a business plan that ran without me. Up until that point I was my business, no me, no business.
I needed to create systems that were scale-able and that could be duplicated, so I could automate my business. So it would make growing my business easy and painless and wouldn’t require more of my time and energy to do it.
Lesson #3: People don’t care how many degrees or certifications you have or what famous celebrities or athletes you have trained; all they care about is “what’s in it for them”.
Once you start keeping your clients feelings your #1 priority and start seeing your business through their eyes you can really make your business remarkable and give people something to talk about.
Giving your clients a “hard” workout isn’t hard. Any fitness professional should be able to give you an effective workout that will get results. The problem is getting your clients to stay consistent with their workouts and diet.
What’s make a good trainer is one that can motivate and inspire their clients to want to actually change their lifestyle and see fitness and food in a different way and really transform their life.
If that is your number one priority you will never have a problem keeping clients or getting them to talk about you and refer their family and friends.
Now I want to show you really quickly how to implement these lessons.
So the way to implement these lessons is to make your business a M.E.S.! Divide your business into three parts; Marketing, Experience, Systems.
Then work from the ground up, starting with systems. Without proper systems in place it is impossible to have a solid foundation and continue to grow your business. A system just means to write down and document everything you do in your business so that it is easy for anyone to look at, understand and implement. Once you have proper systems in place you now have a business that you can grow and duplicate without it falling apart.
The next thing you want to focus on is the experience you offer your clients. Add as much value to your program and go above and beyond what any competitor is willing to do and you will never have a problem with losing members or a lack of referrals.
Be known for something and give your clients something to talk about. Make it fun and effective. Results are good, but if you can make it fun and inspiring too, your clients won’t be able to keep from talking about it.o do was create a business plan that ran without me. Up until that point I was my business, no me, no business.
The last thing is your marketing. Now that you have your systems in place and your clients are getting what they want and everything is fully automated, it’s time to start getting the word out and getting new members into your program.
You business will be able to handle it without skipping a beat and you can grow and duplicate your business as much and often as you want.
Hope this gave you some insight and something to think about and gave you some direction to take your business.
Talk soon,
Jeff Sherman