If you are not getting your fitness boot camp clients the results they want, it’s only a matter of time before they quit and look elsewhere. They are definitely not going to refer anyone or tell their friends about you.
Results and social proof are going to grow your business faster then anything else, even good fitness marketing.
Everyone wants to know how to get their clients results. Now we could argue forever which type of training or which type of diet is best for getting results.
For most of us, and most of our clients, it’s the workout and diet that they actually do and stick to that’s best.
Our job as personal trainers and boot camp owners is to first get our clients to take their goals more seriously. Once we’ve done that, it’s our job to hold them accountable.
Mandatory Weigh Ins
We do that by having mandatory weigh ins. We do them on Mondays and call them Motivational Mondays. Everyone that comes in on Mondays is required to weigh in, take their body fat measurements, and pictures before they are allowed to start training.
Client of the Month
It’s just the way we do business. We reward them by choosing a client of the month and give them recognition and prizes. In order to be eligible to be client of the month, they must have weighed in, tested body fat and taken picture for at least 4 weeks in a row.
Client of the Year
At the end of each year we pick a client of the year and give them the next year totally free. They become the ambassador to our business. We use them in our marketing, branding and advertising. Sometimes we are able to get them on the local news as well.
Setting Goals
You need to make setting goals and reaching them part of doing business with you. This is going to set you apart from all the other fitness businesses that are just selling workouts only.
You are selling results. When your clients get results they don’t have to tell or refer their friends. Their friends will be asking them what they’ve been doing and will come in on their own.
6 Week Transformation Contest
Another way to help motivate your clients and help them get results is to have a few 6-week transformation contests each year. Sometimes we have them on teams and sometimes it’s an individual contest.
Wall of Fame
We also have a “Wall Of Fame” where our members sign and post whatever goal they reached. This gives them recognition and helps motivate the other members. This also helps with retention since they feel even more apart of your program now with their personal signature on your wall.
Nutritional Consultations
We offer unlimited nutritional consultations as well, to help make sure they don’t fall off track or hit a plateau. The only requirement for the free nutritional consultation is that they log their meals for at least 3 days in a row so we can go over it with them line by line. We usually end up selling them supplements to help them stay on track with their diet.
By creating a place where everyone has an active goal and being able to hold them accountable to those goals, you will be able to have a solid platform to build your fitness business. Because if you’re not able to get your clients results it’s only a matter of time before they’re gone and your business will follow shortly after.
So start implementing these strategies today and watch your retention rates soar through the roof and the referrals start pouring in.